Friends Of The Earth
Client Name
Friends Of The Earth
December, 2016
Superfolk Films recently produced, filmed and edited a 10-minute video for Friends of the Earth (foe.org), a global NGO which focusses on human rights and environmentalism around the world and has a network of environmental organisations in 74 countries.
In 2018 a delegation of Arctic Indigenous Peoples travelled to London to campaign to have their voices heard in international discussions that affect the Arctic, including around climate change, shipping and cultural preservation. Our film was used as part of their global campaign, and was screened to people and communities in Alaska to engage, educate and involve them. (How we would have loved to have filmed these discussions too!)
Thank you to Verner Wilson III, Senior Oceans Campaigner at Friends of the Earth, who commissioned us to make this film. Verner is a powerful voice for indigenous peoples rights in the Arctic.